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Willow Weekly T3W6

Good morning, and happy Monday! Here are the highlights this week:

THANK YOU so much for all of your appreciation last week! We felt so spoiled!

M-Step testing for fourth years starts this week and runs Monday through Thursday (mornings).

Spelling is on its final list. This is the year-end review, with 50 words to study (but only 25 on the test), with tests on Friday, 5/26.

Wordly Wise is on a test this week. Review sheets are due Thursday.

IRP will be held in the afternoon this Friday. Typed second rough drafts are due. This should cover everything from introduction through conclusion and include all edits/revisions made to the handwritten draft and first typed draft.

Porchie the hamster's birthday will be celebrated on Wednesday, 5/10, to coincide with National Hamster Day. There will be healthy treats, and, most likely, also a very patient hamster wearing a tiny party hat. Gifts are welcome but not required =)

Again, thanks for all your support throughout the year!



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