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Willow Weekly T3W3

Hello, Willow Families,

I apologize for the lateness of this week’s updates – we had a flu bug running rampant through our house this weekend! Here are the highlights and need-to-knows for the upcoming days:

Lit Circles

We will start up with our final lit circle cycle beginning next Monday, 4-24. I will attempt to keep the kids’ weekly schedules as much the same as possible. Keep an eye on the Academics page of our website for updates!


We were delayed in completing our spelling tests last Thursday due to M-Step and IRP, so they got pushed back to early this week. The goal is to have everyone pre- and post-tested by day’s end today. Because of this delay, test retakes will be available for any students who want them.


This Friday, we will return to our typical Friday morning IRP work time, after a few weeks of irregular scheduling. This time will be used for students to work on their drafts. Chapters 3 AND 4 drafts are both due by the end of the day. Please check in with your child on their progress so far. Many students are behind in their drafts. The longer this continues, the more difficult it will be to catch up! It also may delay return time on final grades.

M-Step/NWEA Testing

Our fifth years finished up their M-Step testing yesterday. Sixth years will have theirs the week of May 1st, and 4th years will wrap it up with the week of May 8th. All grades will take the final round of NWEA testing the week of May 22nd.

In-House Field Study

This Thursday, 4-20-17, we will have an at-school field study presentation about simple machines from 1:00 to 1:45. Permission slips are not needed for this field study.

Art Piece

Today during art class, the students will be beginning their planning for our class’s creative piece for the showcase on the 29th. We will be creating a decorative shelf using an old wooden pallet. Once we have a solid plan in place, I may be reaching out to see if any parents are interested in helping out!

That's all for now. Have a great week!



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