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Willow Weekly T2W4

Happy Sunday, Willow Families!

I hope you're enjoying your snowy weekend. Here are the highlights for the upcoming week:


The weekly IRP enrichment will be held each Wednesday going forward. This week I will be hosting in the Willow Room. Students will have the hour to work on IRP with the benefit of extra teacher support. If your child wishes to attend, please make sure to email me ahead of time. This will run on an as-needed basis, and each child who needs to attend will notify their own classroom teacher. The early heads-up is important so we know if we'll need more than one teacher to help out that day.

Math Lessons

Since returning from the winter break, we've had multiple disruptions to our weekly schedules (testing, snow days, teacher illnesses, field trips). The start of IRP also reduces the amount of open work time in our schedule. A few students have asked about math lessons going forward, as there have been fewer big groups pulled compared to first trimester. In case any parents are wondering the same, I'd like to let you know that because of those time limitations I've been putting more focus on individual students who I feel most need my support. However, I have been keeping a close eye on students' progress through their work plans and giving them feedback. As things even out schedule-wise, we will have more time for more supplementary lessons with more students.

Book Reports

The Myth/Legend book report is due this coming Tuesday, January 31st. I have adjusted the Academics page of the website to include a subpage for documents, so that you can see that particular one more clearly. On Tuesday morning, students will present their reports with brief (2-3 minute) explanations of their projects and follow with questions/comments.


Geography resumes this week with students working on physical (geographic) maps of the South American continent. They will have two weeks to complete this map before moving on to political maps of the continent. Their country projects will not be written reports this time, in consideration of IRP, but will be more presentation-oriented. This will dovetail nicely into the upcoming Cultural Fair at the end of March.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to me.



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