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Willow Weekly T1W1

Hello, Willow Families!

Please tell me I'm not the only one who feels like this right now (see photo above). Something about the holidays happening makes me suddenly experience that "which end is up?" sensation, regardless of how on-track things are!

It has been a while since my last post, so you may be hungering for some official updates. Here are the important things to know for this week, and a few longer-range things.

LIt Circles

We have completed the first of three cycles for Literature Circles and are jumping right into the second. There will be five groups, and three different books among them. As a time management strategy that I hope will allow me to give more attention to math lessons throughout the week, the groups are spread out in terms of scheduling. I have created a spreadsheet that shows the meeting dates and pacing for all five groups. Make sure you're checking in with your kiddos in terms of the individual assignments as we move forward!


My apologies for not having the current lists posted on the site - a ball got dropped somewhere on the day before break. A Sign-Up Genius went out this week regarding volunteers to help give tests on Fridays...any and all help would be greatly appreciated!

"World Market"

Tomorrow is the (optional) World Market, when students may bring in a recipe from their North America country report. For scheduling purposes, we'll be doing this at DEAR time in the afternoon. Keep in mind that if the student wishes to bring in a dish, he or she must also be prepared to introduce their country and share two interesting facts they learned. An explanation of the dish itself might be a good idea, too!


It's that time of year! IRP started officially last Friday, and our first deadline is this Friday, 1/13/17. I've added an IRP Due Date box to the Academics page of the website that I'll update on a weekly basis. This week's item is checking in all IRP materials (excluding books). A list was sent out to all parents who are new to IRP this year. The information is also listed in the IRP Book you'll receive at IRP Night tomorrow, at either 3:30 or 6:30 p.m. If you need a reminder of what the supplies are, I've included that information in the Due Date box.

Field Trip

The Upper Elementary classes will be visiting the Motown Museum next Friday, 1/20/17. It should be lots of fun! We will not need chaperones for this trip. Keep in mind that this will push IRP check-in for next week back to Thursday, 1/19. It will also affect one of the LIt Circles. Make sure to keep an eye on the schedule!


I am currently working my way through all the longer assignments that were turned in before the break. I have myself on a "Five a Day" schedule, and graded work will trickle back on an as-graded basis. Keep an eye out for returned work in Friday Folders!

Well, that should be about all for now, folks. If I've forgotten to mention anything important (again, see photo above), please feel free to let me know! Take care, all! Enjoy your 3-day weekend!



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