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Willow Wish List

Good Afternoon, Willow Families!

As the current calendar year wanes, so do our attention spans, patience, and bank accounts. As I look around the Willow Room a mere week and half before the holiday break, I see an amazing group of students who are continuing to work hard, challenge themselves, and treat each other with kindness and respect. I am incredibly grateful.

But speaking of things waning, I have also noticed (here comes the punchline) that some of our classroom supplies/fixtures are running low/getting worn or broken, and I am sending out a flare to signal for help! Below is a list of items that would be very useful to us as we start the new year in January.

I know that this can be a stressful, overly busy, and expensive time of year, so know that anything you can possibly help with is so greatly appreciated, both by myself and the kids.

Wish List Items

Cleaning rags -- DONATED

Spray bottles (trying to go green, here)

hand held pencil sharpeners -- DONATED

electric pencil sharpener (broken)

small, hardy plants for work tables (e.g. snake plants) -- DONATED

replacement cushions for working on the floor -- DONATED

glue sticks -- DONATED


kitchen timers



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