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Willow Weekly #10

Good Afternoon, Willowers!

My apologies for the late newsletter! As you can imagine, last week was a very busy one for me! Here are this week's updates and important tidbits:

1) Conferences are coming! I am currently struggling with my sign-up genius, but as soon as I figure it out it will be coming your way. This will happen by day's end today.

2) 6th years are taking last week's spelling test this afternoon, and skipping this week's spelling list. They will come back to that one once we've reached the end of our lists!

3) This week's geography deadline is drafting for paragraphs 3 and 4.

4) In other cultural news, we will be talking about government checks and balances this Friday.

5) In science, we will move into physical versus chemical changes in matter.

6) In writing, we are wrapping up personal narratives and final copies should be turned in by this Friday. Our focus during writing time this week will shift to letter writing.

7) In grammar, we have finished with the different types of verbs now and are moving into verb tenses.

8) Our Harvest Celebration/Socks of Love is happening next Wednesday on our half day before the Thanksgiving break! If you would like to sign up to bring a dish to share please see the sign-up genius sent out by our parent liaisons!


Ms. Kiersten

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